"Pasmo" (Bisaya), "Pasma" (Tagalog)
Pasmo is described as a feeling of being cold and easy fatigability.
         Paluga MJ, Cabero JD, Millondaga KJI, Ragrario AMM, Galang RM, Sia IC
         Phase II Documentation of Philippine Traditional Knowledge and Practices on Health and Development of Traditional Knowledge Digital Library on Selected Ethnolinguistic Group: The TAGABAWA BAGOBO people of Sitio Todaya, Sta. Cruz, Sibulan, Davao del Sur and Old Bulatukan and Lucatong, Makilala, North Cotabato.
         Technical report
         Pasmo, Pasma, Onto Werno, Salvation Torino, Davao del Sur, Barangay Sibulan, Sta. Cruz, Sitio Tudaya
         Pasmo is caused by missing a meal or not eating enough food needed by the body.
         No materials are used.
         Kalatae (Tagabawa) , Kamogna (Tagabawa), and Mais are the plants that are used to treat pasmo. For Kalatae-Gather 9 leaves of kalatae then place the leaves on a half-filled bowl of rice broth. Place the leaves on top of the steaming broth. Let the patient eat the concoction.(Onto Werno) For Kamogna-Harvest 7 pieces of young leaves udlot (young shoot) and put it to boil in a half glass of water. Drink the infusion until affliction is gone. (Onto Werno) For Mais-Gather fruit of mais plant. Separate the kernels from its body. Then put it under the sun until it's totally dry. Scorch about 1 tbsp. of kernel. Inhale the smoke coming from the burned kernels. (Salvation torino)
Additional information:
         Onto Werno- Tarabawian is traditional general healer in Tagabawa terminology, Salvation Torino "nanay Asyo" -Mabalian- is traditional birth attendant in Tagabawa.
         Both are from Davao del Sur, Barangay Sibulan, Sta. Cruz, Sitio Tudaya
Information gathered by:
         Paluga MJD, Ragrario AMM, Millondaga KJI, Cabero JD
Date gathered:
         2013-03-22 and 2013-02-09
Abstracted by:
         Cabero JD
         Davao - Tagabawa Bagobo