(a) Codiaeum variegatum(L.) Rumph. ex A. Juss. (b) Not provided (c ) Cymbopogon citratus(DC.) Stapf (d) Not provided (e) Not provided (f) Mimosa pudicaL.
(a) Codiaeum variegatum(L.) Rumph. ex A. Juss. (b) Not provided (c ) Cymbopogon citratus(DC.) Stapf (d) Not provided (e) Not provided (f) Mimosa pudicaL.
(a) Euphorbiaceae spurge; euphorbes (b) Not provided (c ) Poaceae grasses; gramines (d) Not provided (e) Not provided (f) Fabaceae peas; legumes
Common name:
(a) Garden croton (English); San Francisco (Spanish (b) lakdan (c) Tanglad (Filipino); Ginger grass; Lemon grass (English) (d) Apes (e) panhauli (f) Makahiya (Filipino); Touch-me-not; Shameplant (English)
Local name:
(a) San Francisco or kalipayan mix with (b) lakdan (c) tanglad (d) apes (e) panhauli (f) harupay
tonic for new mothers
Plant part used:
(a) leaves (b) leaves (c) leaves (d) leaves (e) leaves (f) leaves
Method of Preparation:
Boil equal proportion of leaves to produce a decoction.
Direction for use:
Adults/Adolescent: Use decoction for bathing.
Additional information:
Not provided
Not provided
Place gathered:
Not provided
Gathered by / Date gathered:
Not provided
Abstracted by:
Not provided
Date abstracted:
Not provided