Philippine Traditional Knowledge Digital Library on Health

Polyscias nodosa (Blume) Seem. Print


Family Araliaceae
Common name: Not provided
Local name: Mundol (Talaingod manobo)
Indication: Para dali manganak (Bisaya), for easy delivery (English)
Plant part used: Bark
Method of Preparation: Scorched bark-Obtain a palm-sized bark. Roast until soots are formed.
Direction for use: Rubbed the roasted part on woman's belly from top to bottom (horizontal line)
Additional information: Not provided
Informant: Datu Guibang Apoga
Place gathered: Paluga MJD, Ragrario AMM, Millondaga KJI, Cabero JD
Gathered by / Date gathered: 05/12/2013
Abstracted by: Cabero JD
Date abstracted: 10/03/2014
Province: Davao - Talaingod Manobo
