Philippine Traditional Knowledge Digital Library on Health

Donax cannaeformis (G Forst.) K Schum Print


Family Marantaceae
Common name: baras-barasan, bonbon, manban, matalbak (Tag.); Common donax (Engl.); alaro (Bis.); aratan (Gad.); baban (Chab.); bamban (Bik., Ilk., Tag., Sul., Buk.); banban (Tag., Bik., Bis., Ibn.); bankolid (Mbo.); buaban (Bag.); daromaka, darumaka, garomaka, lankuas (Ilk.); mamban (Bik., S.L. Bis.); matapal (Isn.); mini, nini (Ig.); ninik (Iv.)
Local name: manban
Indication: for dysentery
Plant part used: root
Method of Preparation: Prepare decoction from plant materials.
Direction for use: Take decoction by mouth, half a glass, three times a day for 15 days.
Additional information: Gathering of plant materials should be done during Tuesday and Friday only. Plant gatherer should not utter a word while obtaining plants.
Informant: Jabolin J
Place gathered: Samar, San Jose de Buan, Barangay Hiduroma, Gandara Watershed
Gathered by / Date gathered: Luceriano RP
Abstracted by: QuitainA
Date abstracted: Mar-14
Province: Samar Island
