Philippine Traditional Knowledge Digital Library on Health

Semecarpus cuneiformis Blanco Print


Family Anacardiaceae
Common name: Ligas (Filipino)
Local name: Libas
Indication: chicken pox
Plant part used: leaves
Method of Preparation: Decoction of leaves in water. Use decoction as bath.
Direction for use: Children: Bathe children with the decoction once a day until rushes disappear.
Additional information: Not provided
Informant: (a) Aniola; Anunsacion (Bohol; ; ; ) (b) Logrono; Nicanor (Bohol; Inabanga; Nabuod; ) & (c ) Geraldoso; Candidio (Bohol; ; ; )
Place gathered: Not provided
Gathered by / Date gathered: Not provided
Abstracted by: Not provided
Date abstracted: Not provided
Province: Bohol
