Philippine Traditional Knowledge Digital Library on Health

Leea manillensis Walp. Print


Family Leeaceae
Common name: Mali-mali (Filipino), Abang-abang (Filipino), Red leea (English)
Local name: Mal-mali (Hanunuo Mangyan)
Indication: Lower quadrant abdominal pain
Plant part used: Leaves
Method of Preparation: Get enough quantity of leaves and singe on fire.
Direction for use: Apply on the affected part and secure with bandage, twice a day for 3 days.
Additional information: Small tree around 14 ft., Flowes: Red.
Informant: Ausan Diado, Anding Bago
Place gathered: Sitio Dangkalan, Barangay San Roque, Bulalacao, Oriental Mindoro
Gathered by / Date gathered: 2012
Abstracted by: Dando LR, Goco RM
Date abstracted: 2013-01-09
Province: Oriental Mindoro (Hanunuo Mangyan tribe)
