Philippine Traditional Knowledge Digital Library on Health

Donax canniformis(G. Forst.) K. Schum. Print


Family Marantaceae arrowroot; prayer-plant
Common name: Bamban (Filipino); Banban (Tag.;Bik.;Bis.;Bag.;Ibn.)
Local name: Banban
Indication: relapse after giving birth
Plant part used: roots
Method of Preparation: Cut into pieces. Boil in just enough water to produce a decoction.
Direction for use: Adults: Drink 1/2 cup decoction on the first day after giving birth.
Additional information: Not provided
Informant: Ritual; Angel (Quezon; Aurora; San Luis; )
Place gathered: Not provided
Gathered by / Date gathered: Not provided
Abstracted by: Not provided
Date abstracted: Not provided
Province: Quezon
