Philippine Traditional Knowledge Digital Library on Health

uncollected, unidentified Print


Family Not provided
Common name: Not provided
Local name: saging na baloy
Indication: For pasma ha regla
Plant part used: leaf sheath (saha)
Method of Preparation: Roast plant material. Express juice. Add kamangyan.
Direction for use: Take juice by mouth. Apply a few drops of juice on the crow/cowlick of the patient.
Additional information: Pasma ha regla is manifested by irregular menstruation and scanty bleeding. It is caused by taking a bath during one's menstrual period.
Informant: Not provided
Place gathered: Samar, San Jose de Buan, Barangay Hiduroma, Gandara Watershed
Gathered by / Date gathered: Not provided
Abstracted by: QuitainA
Date abstracted: Mar-14
Province: Samar Island
