Philippine Traditional Knowledge Digital Library on Health

Dischidia sp. Print


Family Apocynaceae
Common name: Not provided
Local name: dalikupkop
Indication: for measles
Plant part used: leaf
Method of Preparation: Obtain 6 leaves of dalikupkop, 1 young leaf of hasmin, and 12 leaves of red pilamuros. Wash plants thoroughly. Pound plants to obtain extract. For children under 3 years of age, mix this with 250mg cotrimoxazole. For adults, mix this with 500mg cotrimoxazole.
Direction for use: Drink the mixture once a day for 3 days.
Additional information: For infants 0 to 12 months old and pregnant women, do not add cotrimoxazole.
Informant: Mabajen EP
Place gathered: Samar, Basey, Barangay Guirang, Basey Watershed
Gathered by / Date gathered: Luceriano RP
Abstracted by: QuitainA
Date abstracted: Mar-14
Province: Samar Island
