Philippine Traditional Knowledge Digital Library on Health

- Local ailments -

Sakit Tiyan (Stomachache) Pain and discomfort felt by the client in his/her abdomen. Siquijor - Bandilaan 
Pasmo sa Kaon (failed to eat on time) Its when one failed to eat on time. The person experiences light-headedness, headache, dizziness, abdominal discomfort, involuntary muscle movement, and; spasm usually in the hands and feet. Siquijor - Bandilaan 
Pasmo sa kaon ( failed to eat on time ) Its when one failed to eat on time. The person experiences light-headedness, headache, dizziness, abdominal discomfort, involuntary muscle movement, and; spasm usually in the hands and feet. Siquijor - Bandilaan 
Cough It occurs when one is exposed to dust or when there is a sudden change in temperature. Siquijor - Bandilaan 
Ubo (Cough) It occurs when one is exposed to dust or when there is a sudden change in temperature. Siquijor - Bandilaan 
Ubo og sip-on (Cough and colds) It is the body's defense from environmental factors like exposure to dust and allergens. When someone has cough, usually colds will follow if not treated right away or it may be the other way around. Siquijor - Bandilaan 
Rayuma (Arthritis) Inflammation of the joints. Siquijor - Bandilaan 
Rayuma (Arthritis) Inflammation of the joints. Siquijor - Bandilaan 
Hilanat ( Fever) Increase in one's body temperature. Siquijor - Bandilaan 
Hilanat (Fever) Increase in one's body temperature. Siquijor - Bandilaan