Philippine Traditional Knowledge Digital Library on Health

Anamirta cocculus (L.) Wight & Arn. Print


Family Menispermaceae
Common name: Fish berry, Indian cockle (English), Coca de Levante (Spanish), Bayati, Lagtang (Filipino)
Local name: Lagtang (Tagakaulo, Bisaya, Tagalog)
Indication: For gastric or colic pain, panuhot
Plant part used: Bark and Leaves
Method of Preparation: Decoction and Compress-Boil the bark and the leaves in a glass of water.
Direction for use: Drink the decoction until pain is gone or apply it as a hot compress to the abdomen of the patient.
Additional information: Not provided
Informant: Alicia Sabigla- Mananamok (Tagakaolo) Mananabang (Bisaya) - traditional birth attendant
Place gathered: Davao del Sur, Malita, Pinalpalan, Sitio Binacalan
Gathered by / Date gathered: 05/03/2013
Abstracted by: Cabero JD
Date abstracted: 10/03/2014
Province: Davao - Tagakaolo
