Philippine Traditional Knowledge Digital Library on Health

Muehlenbekia platyclados Print


Family Polygonaceae
Common name: Cocoloba (Engl.)
Local name: Himag nga gamay (Bis.)
Indication: Insect bites (fire ants, the sting from bees, and hornets)
Plant part used: Stem and leaves
Method of Preparation: Squeeze out the juice from the stem and leaves. It can also grind the stem and leaves along with alcohol.
Direction for use: Apply the juice on the bitten area.
Additional information: The shrub grows to a height of 1-3 meters and is heavily branched.
Informant: Vicente Bolongon Macalisang (healer)
Place gathered: Siquijor Province, Siquijor, Barangay San Antonio, Purok Spythaphyllum
Gathered by / Date gathered: Ando JKE, Herlao IAV
Abstracted by: Ando, JKE
Date abstracted: 27/12/2014
Province: Siquijor, Mount Bandilaan
